Dr. Frank Däbritz

Patent attorney
Euopean Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Your specialist for

  • Patent law / utility model law
  • Trade mark law,
  • Design law,
  • Employee invention law and
  • Licence law

Dr. Däbritz is a chemist and licensed patent attorney in the field of technical property rights (patent, utility model) as well as trade marks and designs.

Regarding technical property rights - with a focus on the subject areas

  • Chemistry
  • Biotechnology / Pharma


  • Recycling, renewable resources
  • Hydrogen technology/energy technology/battery technology/e-fuels
  • Industrial processes, consumer goods
  • Composite materials, plastics technology, materials technology
  • Metallurgy, wastewater technology


  • as well as in related fields such as Computer Implemented Inventions (CII), Artificial Intelligence (AI)

IP rights are developed together with the inventors. Beforehand, the core of your innovation is jointly identified in order to be able to claim it in the best possible way. We determine the IP strategy together according to your needs in terms of territorial scope and costs as well as duration of protection and enforceability.



Dr. Frank Däbritz studied chemistry at the TU Dresden, with specialisation in organic chemistry and polymer chemistry. During his studies he completed a research internship of several months at the WWU Münster on the topic of X-ray crystal structure analysis. In his diploma thesis, he investigated in-phosphane macrobicycles and the reactivity of their in-electron pairs.

In 2008, he began his PhD under Prof. Dr. Voit at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden in the field of macromolecular chemistry and completed in 2011 with the thesis "Hyperstar polymers - their synthesis, characterisation and application as reactive binders in photoresists and thermosets".

Subsequently, he worked for several years in project management and in business development in various chemical and biotechnological companies - in Dresden for a chemical manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients, in Hamburg for a drug development company and in Berlin for a biotech company in the field of monoclonal antibodies.

During 2018 and 2021, he completed the training for admission as a patent attorney at the patent law firm Kailuweit & Uhlemann.

As part of his training, he attended the course "Law for Patent Attorneys" at Fernuniversität Hagen. In addition, he completed a two-month internship at the Hamburg District Court and stations at the Federal Patent Court and the German Patent and Trade Mark Office in Munich.

Due to his interdisciplinary education, Dr. Däbritz has broad scientific and technical competences.

His working languages are German and English.



Dr. Däbritz is admitted to represent clients before the:

  • German Patent- and Trademark Office (DPMA)
  • Federal Patent Court (BPatG)
  • Federal Court of Justice (BGH) (appeal proceedings under § 100 PatG, appeal proceedings under § 110 PatG and complaint proceedings under § 122 PatG)
  • European Patent Office (EPO)
  • European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


  • German Chamber of Patent Attorneys
  • Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI)
  • Sächsischer Patentanwaltsverein e. V.
  • Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)


phonen: +49 (0)341 47 84 29 00 and +49 (0)351 2171 8440
E-Mail: daebritz@dinter-kreissig.de